products and services

Bespoke System

We will provide you with a system that exactly fits your needs.

Define the Scope to Uniquely Achieve your Business Objectives

Bespoke is the opposite of off-the-rack which looks it and minimally keeps you in the game. It is very hard to distinguish yourself. IT departments using off-the-shelf tools will have a difficult time differentiating from others.

Start with a Strategy of how to get the most out of AI Opportunities 

We’ll make you a unique product. Think of us as your tailor making you something from scratch, that is made to your exact specifications, and enables you to look your best and succeed. We can do this at a good price using our proprietary tools.

Design the Intelligent System to Differentiate your Organization

Made-to-measure is made with exiting tools and patterns are what you will get from the Big 7 accounting and consulting firms. It is usually decent, expensive, and depending on the development team capabilities and experience you will get a workable system with some uniqueness. 

products and services

Bespoke System Description

A bespoke system is one that is made to order for a customer 

Bespoke System

A bespoke system is one that is made to order for a customer. The customer receives exclusivity in a specific field of use which ensures differentiation and a competitive advantage.

There are alternative ways of developing custom software for intelligent agent applications which can be used with varying degrees of success.

In-house IT development of intelligent systems has the benefit of knowing the organization. However, it requires expertise in intelligent system development. There are few people available with that expertise and experience and the best in-house people are usually unavailable.


The Big 4 accounting firms and other large firms have the ability to mobilize large numbers of people to develop applications. Regrettably, those programs are difficult to manage, take a long time, are very expensive, and do not bring IP. You will be provided with a software program that is made with off-the-shelf components made-to-your needs not a custom made bespoke system.

products and services

Bespoke System Overview

We will provide you with a system that exactly fits your needs.

Bespoke solutions are custom software applications

The agents are tailor made for a specific customer. It is not a software package developed for the mass market such as commercial-off-the shelf that is used by large consulting and accounting organizations. Differentiation is achieved and maintained by using our intelligent agents patents. Costs are kept down by designing applications that use architecture that we used in prior developments.

Specific Business Needs are Supported

Custom software will generally produce the most efficient system as it is can provide support for the specific needs of the business, which might not be available in an off-the-shelf solution and will provide greater efficiency or better customer service.  

Produce the Best Value and Clear Results

Custom software will also produce the best or most well-targeted service improvement. Businesses can tailor the software to what their customers want instead of having to choose a package that caters for a generic market.

We can develop the system very quickly once we have the design

We control development time and achieve a Technology Level of 7 within 9-12 months and carefully develop specifications to manage costs. Profitability and returns are achieved by aiding in the selection of the most profitable alternatives for products and services.

We will help with the Changes Required for Deployment and Operation

Deployment and usage are achieved using our process (MADI) of Managing Adoption of Innovative intelligent systems.

products and services

Bespoke System Benefits

We will provide you with a made-to-order system to exactly fit your needs.


A bespoke system is one that is made to order for a customer. The customer receives exclusivity in a specific field of use which ensures differentiation and a competitive advantage.



Possible Alternatives

There are alternative ways of developing custom software for intelligent agent applications which can be used with varying degrees of success


In-house IT development of intelligent systems has the benefit of knowing the organization. However, it requires expertise in intelligent system development. There are few people available with that expertise and experience and the best in-house people are usually unavailable. One alternative is to hire enough experienced AI developers if you can find them.

The Big Providers

The Big 4 accounting firms and other large consulting firms have the ability to mobilize large numbers of people to develop applications. Regrettably, those programs are difficult to manage, take a long time, are very expensive, and do not bring IP. You will be provided with a software program that is made with off-the-shelf components made-to-your needs not a custom made bespoke system. 

products and services

A Holistic Approach: Bespoke and Differentiation

Our Agents understand all factors for optimization of the whole.

Multi-Agent Systems

are used in complex dynamic environments. The systems deal with operational problems that are extremely complex, require processing increasing data volumes, in dynamic environments.

  Agents face trade-offs

Mitigate between competing priorities and differing optimization and solutions.

  Multi-Agent Systems understand the situations

They decomposing a complex system into smaller distributed systems of individual agents that have conflicting goals and compete for resources.

  Multi-Agent Systems reach decisions

Agents enable optimal solutions by conveying information to each agent and brokering a decision through collaborative and coordinated decision making. 


Differentiation Bespoke

Bespoke and Differentiation

Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) are used for coordinated defense systems in complex dynamic environments. These systems deal with operational problems that are extremely complex, require processing increasing data volumes, in dynamic environments, and that face trade-offs between competing priorities and differing optimization and solutions.

MAS are an easy to understand way of decomposing a complex system into smaller distributed systems of individual agents that have conflicting goals and compete for resources.

Multi-Agent Systems reach decisions that enable optimal solutions by conveying information to each agent and brokering a decision through collaborative and coordinated decision making. 


At IMARC we believe that if the computer is to continue its evolution in assisting humans then it must be more than a massive number cruncher – it must be a true “thinking” partner. That is our vision, our mission. Below is a list of some of our partners we work with to help us achieve our mission in an efficient manner. 


IP Differentiation Bespoke

Bespoke Competitive Advantage and Trusted Third Party




More than thirty years ago, we began building products that could deal with massive amounts of data with decisions required in a time frame that provide a competitive advantage for the department of defense.

Today, we use our intellectual property, patents, and know-how to create and build Artificial Intelligence Products that will give our customers a sustainable competitive advantage. 

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